Instructions for recording a teleconference are further down this page.
Full-time Telebridge customers may playback their recorded calls at a time of their own choosing since they have access to their Telebridge line 24/7. Further, multiple callers can dial in simultaneously. Each will begin and end the playback for themselves.
Full-time customers have the option to request a digital copy of their call.
Full-Time Telebridge Recording Instructions
How to Record a Teleconference on 206 or 716 Full-Time Telebridges.
Requesting a Copy of your Recorded Call
Recordings are stored up to 21 days from the date of recording. To assure that you are able to get a copy of your recording, request your copy promptly.
To request a recording, send an email to In the email, please provide:
- the date and time the recording was made,
- the 6-digit file number that you created,
- the dial-in number and
- host and guest PINs.
You may find more information on your choice of recording type, delivery method, and pricing here.
Recording Instructions for Full-time Telebridge Customers
Step 1: Record your Teleconference
Recordings on the Advanced Telebridge can be made using either the keypad commands or the Live Conference Viewer. It is your choice. If you begin recording using one method, you will need to end recording using that same method. In either case, you may play back and order copies of your recording in the same way (below). Recordings are kept on the conference bridge for 21 days from the date recorded.
Recording using the telephone keypad commands
To record a conference, you must enter the conference using the Host PIN.
- When you are in a conference and ready to begin recording, press *2 on the telephone.
- You will be prompted to “enter the recording number followed by the # key.” This is a number you choose and you will need to remember it in order to play back or order a copy of your recording.
- If the chosen recording number is already used, a message will say, “A recording with that number already exists. To replace this recording, press 1; to enter a different recording number, press 2.” If you have entered a recording number that is not used, an audio message will confirm that the conference is being recorded.
- When you are ready to stop recording, press *2 on the telephone. An audio message will confirm that the conference is no longer being recorded.
Recording using the Live Conference Viewer
If you are logged into the Live Conference Viewer, instructions for recording can be found by selecting the “help” option on the menu bar under “Performing Functions on the Conference – Recording a Conference.” They are also listed immediately below.

Starting a Recording using the Live Conference Viewer
- At this time, you may only start a recording using your phone’s keypad. Press *2 and follow the instructions above. However, once the recording is started using the keypad, you may use the LCV to pause or stop the recording by following the instructions below.
Stopping a Recording using the Live Conference Viewer
Click the stop button (the dark grey square). An audio message will confirm that recording has stopped. The record button will become enabled.
- Clicking the record button will start a new recording. If you stop recording and want to begin again, you will need to enter another recording number. Choose a new one. If you enter the same recording number, the system will overwrite the old recording.
Step 2: Play Back Your Teleconference
- Dial the special playback number given to you in your setup confirmation.
- Enter either the Host or Guest PIN.
- You will then be prompted to enter the recording number that you selected when you started the recording.
- Multiple callers can dial in simultaneously. Each will begin and end the playback for themselves.
Step 3: Request a Copy of your Recording
All recordings are stored electronically for up to 21 days from the date of recording and you may order a copy. Please request a copy of your conference as soon as possible after the call to ensure you are able to receive a copy.
You may find more information on your choice of recording type, delivery method, and pricing here.